mSystems. 2021-08-31; 6.4: e0057121.
Pathogenic Vibrio Species Are Associated with Distinct Environmental Niches and Planktonic Taxa in Southern California (USA) Aquatic Microbiomes
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Frontiers in genetics. 2021-08-30; 12.733674.
Rapid CRISPR/Cas9 Editing of Genotype IX African Swine Fever Virus Circulating in Eastern and Central Africa
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Microbiology resource announcements. 2021-08-26; 10.34: e0061521.
Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfurobacterium sp. Strain AV08, a Thermophilic Chemolithoautotroph Isolated from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent
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mSphere. 2021-08-25; 6.4: e0053021.
Complete Genomes of Clade G6 Saccharibacteria Suggest a Divergent Ecological Niche and Lifestyle
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Science advances. 2021-08-13; 7.33:
Coral microbiome manipulation elicits metabolic and genetic restructuring to mitigate heat stress and evade mortality
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Science advances. 2021-08-06; 7.32:
Cellular costs underpin micronutrient limitation in phytoplankton
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Scientific reports. 2021-08-02; 11.1: 15592.
Diploid genomic architecture of Nitzschia inconspicua, an elite biomass production diatom
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Nature biotechnology. 2021-08-01; 39.8: 1017.
Publisher Correction: Voices of biotech leaders
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021-07-27; 118.30:
Molecular underpinnings and biogeochemical consequences of enhanced diatom growth in a warming Southern Ocean
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Frontiers in molecular biosciences. 2021-07-22; 8.644133.
Generating Chromosome Geometries in a Minimal Cell From Cryo-Electron Tomograms and Chromosome Conformation Capture Maps
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