Media Center

Collaborator Release

Human Longevity, Inc. Scientists Publish Paper Diving Deeper into Non-Coding Genome Which Represents 98% of the Human Genome

17 Years Since the First Human Genome Sequence was Released, the Next Frontiers for Clinical Application and Understanding of the Genome are Uncovered

Collaborator Release

Past encounters with the flu shape vaccine response

Immune history influences vaccine effectiveness, interacting with other potential problems arising from the manufacturing process

Collaborator Release

Common acid reflux medications promote chronic liver disease

Study co-authors include J. Craig Venter Institute scientists Karen E. Nelson and Derrick E. Fouts

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Institute-led Team Awarded 5-year, $10.7 M Grant from U.S. Department of Energy to Optimize Metabolic Networks in Diatoms, Enabling Next-Generation Biofuels and Bioproducts

Research builds on a series of recent landmark studies, at JCVI, which have led to transformative new methodology for synthetic biology and functional genomics

Collaborator Release

Don't blame your genes for your toothache, twin study shows

For the first time, investigators have looked at the role that genes and the oral microbiome play in the formation of cavities and have found that your mother was right: The condition of your teeth depends on your dietary and oral hygiene habits. The study appears September 13 in Cell Host & Microbe.

Collaborator Release

Precision medicine opens the door to scientific wellness preventive approaches to suicide

Researchers have developed a more precise way of diagnosing suicide risk, by developing blood tests that work in everybody, as well as more personalized blood tests for different subtypes of suicidality that they have newly identified, and for different psychiatric high-risk groups.

Collaborator Release

Defining Standards for Genomes from Uncultivated Microorganisms

Expanding minimum information standards for single-cell genomics, metagenomics datasets.


Digging out from the storm

The next day offered more snow and wind: we still needed handheld radios anytime we ventured between the warming hut and any of the vehicles. The wind was so strong that snow began drifting up through the dive hole in the warming hut, and the windows completely glazed over with snow. At one...

Out onto the ice

It took an enormous amount of effort, but on Thursday we ventured out onto the sea ice with our train of sleds and snow machines. The tucker is our strongest (and slowest) vehicle, and it is pulling both our yellow research sled and a pair of snowmobiles. The red Pisten-Bully is pulling a...

Around Mac-town

We are now fully packed and our mobile research sled is ready to go. We are waiting for some final repairs on the Pisten-Bully which will pull our supply sled. The mobile laboratory sled will be pulled by the Sno-Cat Tucker, which also has cab space for six (riding in the mobile lab would...

Ice diatoms!

Today has been a day of preparations, as tomorrow we hope to leave McMurdo Station and head out on the sea ice. Our mobile sled is almost ready for deployment: the carpenters who work for the US Antarctic Program are quite amazing, and our sled has filtration racks for separating different...

Sea-ice class

Today Abigail Noble and I took a Hagglund transporter out onto the Ross Sea to learn the basics of sea ice safety and ice dynamics. The sea ice on McMurdo Sound can be 2 meters thick, but this ice is constantly changing, and when you drive along its surface, you can't assume that it is...

Happy Camp

Our project on the Ross Sea will take us far from heated facilities of McMurdo Station, so all members of our team need to attend "Happy Camp", a two day course on snow camping and basic Antarctic survival. Happy Camp is held out on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, and it is an immersion program in...

McMurdo Station

Entering McMurdo is like entering a modern mining town: lots of exposed rock and unpaved streets, above ground utilities and bare-bones architecture. Utilitarian. From the airport we were taken to a briefing room, introduced to our science coordinators, and given our shcedules. Since I am...

Transport to the ice

Wednesday morning started with a 5AM taxi ride to the US Antarctic Program's processing center at the Christchurch airport, where we had to repack our bags and put on our emergency cold weather gear for the flight. Our plane was the C-17 Globemaster III, a large military transport plane more...

Polynya opens in the Ross Sea

A helicopter pilot recently sent us an image of the area we are planning to sample, and the stable sea ice we intended to use as a platform for drilling and sampling is now a giant stretch of open seawater! A large opening like this is a polynya, a term borrowed from the Russian...


ZME Science

Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning



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