GCID Publications

Open forum infectious diseases. 2015-09-01; 2.3: ofv093.
Potential Influence of Staphylococcus aureus Clonal Complex 30 Genotype and Transcriptome on Hematogenous Infections
Sharma-Kuinkel BK, Mongodin EF, Myers JR, Vore KL, Canfield GS, Fraser CM, Rude TH, Fowler VG, Gill SR
PMID: 26213692
BMC genomics. 2015-08-22; 16.631.
Stool microbiota composition is associated with the prospective risk of Plasmodium falciparum infection
Yooseph S, Kirkness EF, Tran TM, Harkins DM, Jones MB, Torralba MG, O'Connell E, Nutman TB, Doumbo S, Doumbo OK, Traore B, Crompton PD, Nelson KE
PMID: 26296559
Genome biology and evolution. 2015-08-08; 7.9: 2473-83.
Genome-Wide Evolutionary Analyses of G1P[8] Strains Isolated Before and After Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction
Zeller M, Donato C, Trovão NS, Cowley D, Heylen E, Donker NC, McAllen JK, Akopov A, Kirkness EF, Lemey P, Van Ranst M, Matthijnssens J, Kirkwood CD
PMID: 26254487
The Journal of general virology. 2015-08-01; 96.8: 2050-60.
Influenza A virus evolution and spatio-temporal dynamics in Eurasian wild birds: a phylogenetic and phylogeographical study of whole-genome sequence data
Lewis NS, Verhagen JH, Javakhishvili Z, Russell CA, Lexmond P, Westgeest KB, Bestebroer TM, Halpin RA, Lin X, Ransier A, Fedorova NB, Stockwell TB, Latorre-Margalef N, Olsen B, Smith G, Bahl J, Wentworth DE, Waldenström J, Fouchier RA, de Graaf M
PMID: 25904147
Genome biology. 2015-07-21; 16.143.
A novel method of consensus pan-chromosome assembly and large-scale comparative analysis reveal the highly flexible pan-genome of Acinetobacter baumannii
Chan AP, Sutton G, Depew J, Krishnakumar R, Choi Y, Huang XZ, Beck E, Harkins DM, Kim M, Lesho EP, Nikolich MP, Fouts DE
PMID: 26195261
Pathogens and disease. 2015-07-01; 73.5:
Characterization of the pathogenome and phylogenomic classification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli of the O157:non-H7 serotypes
Sanjar F, Rusconi B, Hazen TH, Koenig SS, Mammel MK, Feng PC, Rasko DA, Eppinger M
PMID: 25962987
Emerging microbes & infections. 2015-06-17; 4.e35.
Long-term surveillance of H7 influenza viruses in American wild aquatic birds: are the H7N3 influenza viruses in wild birds the precursors of highly pathogenic strains in domestic poultry?
Krauss S, Stucker KM, Schobel SA, Danner A, Friedman K, Knowles JP, Kayali G, Niles LJ, Dey AD, Raven G, Pryor P, Lin X, Das SR, Stockwell TB, Wentworth DE, Webster RG
PMID: 26954883
PLoS pathogens. 2015-06-01; 11.6: e1004943.
Correction: The pH-Responsive PacC Transcription Factor of Aspergillus fumigatus Governs Epithelial Entry and Tissue Invasion during Pulmonary Aspergillosis
Bertuzzi M, Schrettl M, Alcazar-Fuoli L, Cairns TC, Muñoz A, Walker LA, Herbst S, Safari M, Cheverton AM, Chen D, Liu H, Saijo S, Fedorova ND, Armstrong-James D, Munro CA, Read ND, Filler SG, Espeso EA, Nierman WC, Haas H, Bignell EM
PMID: 26086393
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin. 2015-05-07; 20.18:
Haemagglutinin mutations and glycosylation changes shaped the 2012/13 influenza A(H3N2) epidemic, Houston, Texas
Stucker KM, Schobel SA, Olsen RJ, Hodges HL, Lin X, Halpin RA, Fedorova N, Stockwell TB, Tovchigrechko A, Das SR, Wentworth DE, Musser JM
PMID: 25990233
Research in microbiology. 2015-05-01; 166.4: 255-63.
Genomic analyses of Clostridium perfringens isolates from five toxinotypes
Hassan KA, Elbourne LD, Tetu SG, Melville SB, Rood JI, Paulsen IT
PMID: 25445567
