First Self-Replicating, Synthetic Bacterial Cell Constructed by J. Craig Venter Institute Researchers
ROCKVILLE, MD and San Diego, CA (May 20, 2010) — Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit genomic research organization, published results today describing the successful construction of the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell. The team synthesized the 1.08 million base pair chromosome of a modified Mycoplasma mycoides genome. The synthetic cell is called Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 and is the proof of principle that genomes can be...
Dr. J. Craig Venter wins the Leeuwenhoek Medal
De Leeuwenhoek Medal 2015 has been awarded to Dr. J. Craig Venter. The medal was presented to him by the Dutch State Secretary of Education, Culture and Science Sander Dekker at the annual conference of the Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology (KNVM) and The Netherlands Society for Medical Microbiology (NVMM) April 14 at Papendal, Arnhem. The Leeuwenhoek-medal is the most prestigious prize in the field of Microbiology. It has been awarded every 10 years since 1877 to a scientist...
J. Craig Venter Science Foundation Announces $500,000 Technology Prize for Advances Leading to the $1,000 Human Genome
ROCKVILLE, MD (September 23, 2003). The J. Craig Venter Science Foundation announced today a $500,000 Genomic Technology Prize. The prize, to be awarded one time only, is aimed at stimulating the scientific and technology research community to significantly advance automated DNA sequencing so that a human genome can be sequenced for $1,000 or less as soon as possible. The prize was announced during New Frontiers in Sequencing Technology session at the 15th annual Genome Sequencing and...
Perkin-Elmer, Dr. Craig Venter, and TIGR Announce Formation of New Genomics Company
May 9, 1998 NORWALK, CT and ROCKVILLE, MD, May 9, 1998 -- The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (NYSE:PKN), Dr. J. Craig Venter, and The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) announced today that they have signed letters of intent relating to the formation by Perkin-Elmer and Dr. Venter of a new genomics company. Its strategy will be centered on a plan to substantially complete the sequencing of the human genome in three years. The new company's goal is to become the definitive source of...
J. Craig Venter Institute Launches New Genomics Education Program in California
LA JOLLA, CA — July 31, 2008 — The J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) announced today the launch of their genomics education program in California. This comprehensive Genomics Course for Educators, to be held at JCVI's La Jolla, California facility on July 29 through August 1, 2008, is designed for San Diego area teachers who want to become knowledgeable about the rapidly evolving field of genomics. JCVI received a private donation to provide stipends to each of the participating...
J. Craig Venter Named MRIGlobal 2013 Citation Award Winner
Kansas City, Mo. — The MRIGlobal Board of Directors and Trustees today announced that it will present its annual Citation Award this year to J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., one of the leading scientists of the 21st century. Dr. Venter is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of the J. Craig Venter Institute, a not-for-profit research organization dedicated to human, microbial, plant, synthetic, and environmental research. He also is Founder and Chief Executive Officer...
Government of Victoria, Australia and Venter Institute to Survey and Sequence Microbes in Soil and Bovine Digestive System
CHICAGO, IL and MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — APRIL 10, 2006 — The state of Victoria, Australia and the J. Craig Venter Institute (Venter Institute), the prestigious non-profit genomics institute, today announced at BIO 2006 a collaborative research project to study microorganisms found in two agriculturally significant soil types in Victoria, as well as microbes found in bovine digestive systems. The project will help researchers better understand overall species diversity and build...
Real Time Genomics and J. Craig Venter Institute Embark on Strategic Research Initiative
SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, California, May 1, 2013 -- Real Time Genomics, Inc. (RTG), the genome analytics company, today announced a long-term strategic collaboration with the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit genomic research institute, aimed at understanding and analyzing the genetic changes that induced pluripotent stem cells may acquire during the process of differentiation. RTG and JCVI also announced today a collaboration to discover and validate highly accurate human...
About J. Craig Venter
J. Craig Venter, PhD, is regarded as one of the leading scientists of the 21st century for his numerous invaluable contributions to genomic research. Dr. Venter is founder, chair, and CEO of the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit, research organization with approximately 120 scientists and staff dedicated to human, microbial, synthetic, and environmental genomic research, and the exploration of social and ethical issues in genomics.
Dr. Venter Delivers UCSD 2015 School of Medicine Commencement
Full text for the address follows. J. Craig Venter, PhD, UCSD , 2015 School of Medicine Commencement Address Chancellor Khosla, Dean Brenner, Dean Savoia, UC Regent Charlene Zettel, UC Regent Sheldon Engelhorn, invited guests, families and graduates, thank you for inviting me to speak to you on your very special day, and Congratulations on making it to this momentous occasion! It’s always an honor for me to give commencement speeches but it’s especially gratifying...