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Gut Microbiome-Based Metagenomic Signature for Non-invasive Detection of Advanced Fibrosis in Human Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
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Journal of bacteriology. 2017-05-01; 199.9:
Assessment of Insertion Sequence Mobilization as an Adaptive Response to Oxidative Stress in Acinetobacter baumannii Using IS-seq
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Canu: scalable and accurate long-read assembly via adaptive k-mer weighting and repeat separation
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Analysis of variability in high throughput screening data: applications to melanoma cell lines and drug responses
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Nucleic acids research. 2017-04-20; 45.7: e50.
Efficient size-independent chromosome delivery from yeast to cultured cell lines
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Utilization of defined microbial communities enables effective evaluation of meta-genomic assemblies
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Metal Resistance and Its Association With Antibiotic Resistance
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The Human Microbiome and Cancer
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The Journal of general virology. 2017-04-01; 98.4: 577-584.
Pathogenicity of modified bat influenza virus with different M genes and its reassortment potential with swine influenza A virus
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Microbial ecology. 2017-04-01; 73.3: 658-667.
Reducing the Bottleneck in Discovery of Novel Antibiotics
PMID: 27896376