Nucleic acids research. 2003-07-01; 31.13: 3746-50.
PROBEmer: A web-based software tool for selecting optimal DNA oligos
PMID: 12824409
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003-06-24; 100.13: 7696-701.
End-sequence profiling: sequence-based analysis of aberrant genomes
PMID: 12788976
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2003-06-13; 300.5626: 1706-7.
Phylogenomics: intersection of evolution and genomics
PMID: 12805538
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In-depth view of structure, activity, and evolution of rice chromosome 10
PMID: 12791992
Genome research. 2003-06-01; 13.6B: 1216-21.
Computational discovery of internal micro-exons
PMID: 12799353
Molecular and biochemical parasitology. 2003-06-01; 129.1: 23-31.
Gene discovery in the Entamoeba invadens genome
PMID: 12798503
Genome research. 2003-06-01; 13.6B: 1360-5.
Continued discovery of transcriptional units expressed in cells of the mouse mononuclear phagocyte lineage
PMID: 12819134
Genome research. 2003-06-01; 13.6B: 1542-51.
Development and evaluation of an automated annotation pipeline and cDNA annotation system
PMID: 12819153
Eukaryotic cell. 2003-06-01; 2.3: 501-9.
The intestinal protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica contains 20 cysteine protease genes, of which only a small subset is expressed during in vitro cultivation
PMID: 12796295