Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2004-01-01; 270.279-94.
Using the TIGR assembler in shotgun sequencing projects
PMID: 15020832
Nucleic acids research. 2004-01-01; 32.Database issue: 3651-60.
A set of BAC clones spanning the human genome
PMID: 15247347
Genome biology. 2004-01-01; 5.2: R12.
Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes
PMID: 14759262
Genome research. 2004-01-01; 14.1: 142-8.
Computational gene prediction using multiple sources of evidence
PMID: 14707176
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2004-01-01; 270.309-18.
Optimized multiplex polymerase chain reaction: an effective method for rapid gap closure
PMID: 15020834
Nucleic acids research. 2004-01-01; 32.Database issue: 562-9.
Automated correction of genome sequence errors
PMID: 14744981
Journal of bacteriology. 2004-01-01; 186.1: 164-78.
Formation and composition of the Bacillus anthracis endospore
PMID: 14679236
Nucleic acids research. 2004-01-01; 32.Database issue: D284-8.
TransportDB: a relational database of cellular membrane transport systems
PMID: 14681414
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2004-01-01; 270.1-16.
Sequencing strategies for parasite genomes
PMID: 15153620
Genome research. 2004-01-01; 14.1: 179-87.
1-Mb resolution array-based comparative genomic hybridization using a BAC clone set optimized for cancer gene analysis
PMID: 14672980