
Virology journal. 2013-05-28; 10.165.

Whole genome sequencing and comparative genomic analyses of two Vibrio cholerae O139 Bengal-specific Podoviruses to other N4-like phages reveal extensive genetic diversity

Fouts DE, Klumpp J, Bishop-Lilly KA, Rajavel M, Willner KM, Butani A, Henry M, Biswas B, Li M, Albert MJ, Loessner MJ, Calendar R, Sozhamannan S

PMID: 23714204


Vibrio cholerae O139 Bengal is the only serogroup other than O1 implicated in cholera epidemics. We describe the isolation and characterization of an O139 serogroup-specific phage, vB_VchP_VchO139-I (ϕVchO139-I) that has similar host range and virion morphology as phage vB_VchP_JA1 (ϕJA1) described previously. We aimed at a complete molecular characterization of both phages and elucidation of their genetic and structural differences and assessment of their genetic relatedness to the N4-like phage group.
