PRINCESS: Privacy-protecting Rare disease International Network Collaboration via Encryption through Software guard extensionS
Chen F, Wang S, Jiang X, Ding S, Lu Y, Kim J, Sahinalp SC, Shimizu C, Burns JC, Wright VJ, Png E, Hibberd ML, Lloyd DD, Yang H, Telenti A, Bloss CS, Fox D, Lauter K, Ohno-Machado L
PMID: 28065902
We introduce PRINCESS, a privacy-preserving international collaboration framework for analyzing rare disease genetic data that are distributed across different continents. PRINCESS leverages Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and hardware for trustworthy computation. Unlike a traditional international collaboration model, where individual-level patient DNA are physically centralized at a single site, PRINCESS performs a secure and distributed computation over encrypted data, fulfilling institutional policies and regulations for protected health information.