
Genome announcements. 2015-01-22; 3.1:

Genome Sequences of the Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii Type Strain and Two Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis Strains

Hupfeld M, Fouts DE, Loessner MJ, Klumpp J

PMID: 25614561


We present the complete genomes of Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii WSLC 3010 (ATCC 19119(T)), Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis WSLC 30151 (SLCC 8854), and Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis WSLC 30167 (SLCC 6032), representing the type strain of the species and two strains of the same serovar but different properties, respectively.
