
Retrovirology. 2015-05-16; 12.41.

Identification of potential HIV restriction factors by combining evolutionary genomic signatures with functional analyses

McLaren PJ, Gawanbacht A, Pyndiah N, Krapp C, Hotter D, Kluge SF, Götz N, Heilmann J, Mack K, Sauter D, Thompson D, Perreaud J, Rausell A, Munoz M, Ciuffi A, Kirchhoff F, Telenti A

PMID: 25980612


Known antiretroviral restriction factors are encoded by genes that are under positive selection pressure, induced during HIV-1 infection, up-regulated by interferons, and/or interact with viral proteins. To identify potential novel restriction factors, we performed genome-wide scans for human genes sharing molecular and evolutionary signatures of known restriction factors and tested the anti-HIV-1 activity of the most promising candidates.
