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Governor O’Malley Announces New Life Science Advisory Board Members

J. Craig Venter Institute’s President, Karen Nelson Among Those Named

ANNAPOLIS, MD  – Governor Martin O’Malley today thanked the outgoing members of the Maryland Life Sciences Advisory Board and announced the appointment of seven new members. Created in 2007 by Governor O’Malley, the Board has worked to implement a strategic plan that includes BioMaryland 2020, a 10-year, $1.3 billion strategy for moving Maryland’s life sciences industry forward

“I commend the outgoing members of the Life Sciences Advisory board for leading the effort to develop a comprehensive plan that has helped position Maryland as a global leader in the life sciences. To date, we have invested more than $600 million in initiatives that will create jobs and expand opportunity for decades to come,” said Governor O’Malley. “We are fortunate to have seven new members which include some of the State’s most skilled and talented scientists, educators and business professionals to help us grow our Innovation Economy.”

Governor O’Malley spearheaded a number of strategic investments in Maryland’s life sciences industry. In addition to creating the LSAB and launching the BioMaryland 2020 initiative, the Governor launched the BioMaryland Centers to bring together all of the State’s life sciences assets; increased funding for critical bio investments, including Maryland’s Stem Cell Research Fund, the Biotechnology Tax Credit and nanobiotechnology research grants; and created InvestMaryland to make critical investments in seed and early-stage companies, including those in biotech. In addition, under Governor O’Malley’s leadership, Maryland’s major research parks, including the University of Maryland, Baltimore BioPark, the Science +Technology Park in East Baltimore and the Montgomery College/Germantown Science and Technology Park, have undergone significant expansion.

In June, Rachel King, Chief Executive Officer of GlycoMimetics, Inc. in Gaithersburg, was named as the Board’s new Chair, succeeding long-time chair H. Thomas Watkins.  Ms. King is also serving as Chair of the Board for the Biotechnology Industry Association (BIO). 

The new Board members are: 

Eddy C. Agbo, DVM, Ph.D., Chairman and CEO of Fyodor Biotechnologies Corp.

Kimberly A. Brown, Ph.D., CEO, Amethyst Technologies, LLC

Thomas M. Hyde, MD, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, Lieber Institute for Brain Development

Mark A. Mlynarczyk, Senior Director, Executive External Relations, Medimmune

Karen E. Nelson, Ph.D., President, J. Craig Venter Institute

Kathleen Kennedy Norris, Ph.D., Director of Life Sciences Institute, Coordinator of Biotechnology, Baltimore City Community College

Frank F. Weichold, MD, Ph.D., Director, Office of Critical Path and Regulatory Science Initiatives, Office of the Commissioner, US Food and Drug Administration

Originally comprised of 15 members, the Board was expanded to 18 members during last year’s General Assembly session. The Board includes the Secretary of Business and Economic Development (DBED), a representative from the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO), three representatives from federal agencies with life science missions, seven representatives from biotechnology businesses in Maryland (including at least four from small businesses), four representatives from institutions of higher education (including one from community colleges), one with marketing experience in Life Sciences and a member of the general public.

As part of the strategic plan, the LSAB’s priorities include ensuring the sustained growth and future competitiveness of Maryland’s life sciences industry; supporting the creation and growth of innovative life sciences companies by ensuring access to capital; positioning Maryland for global leadership in cutting-edge areas of life sciences research and emerging and growth markets; and advancing life sciences talent generation and workforce development.