Indresh Singh, MS

Director of Informatics

Indresh K. Singh is director of informatics, leading Informatics Core Services (ICS) at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI). He has been working on development and support of pipelines for processing and analyzing genome sequencing data for thousands of samples on JCVI High-throughput compute facility and AWS cloud. He is managing hundreds of terabytes of sequencing and analysis data, and he is helping JCVI Faculty and external collaborators with novel tools development and analysis for web technologies, database development, data mining, data visualization, machine learning, annotation. He has also contributed to the genomics data processing and analysis of Genomic Center for Infectious Diseases (GCID), Human Microbiome project (HMP) and CEIRS Data Processing and Coordinating Center (DPCC)

Since joining JCVI in 2003, Indresh and his team have won several awards for their innovative use of Java platform technology in a genomics environment. Previously, at Celera Genomics, Indresh developed a LIMS for genomics and proteomics applications. Indresh earned his MS in Computer Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.

Research Priorities

  • Software architecture, Software design, Large scale high performance compute infrastructure.
  • Cloud (AWS, Google and Azure) Technologies
  • Ontology based metadata tracking and data management.
  • Development of data analysis tools and pipelines for genome analysis.
  • Machine learning, annotation, database development, data mining, web technologies and statistical analysis.


Nucleic acids research. 2023-01-06; 51.D1: D678-D689.
Introducing the Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (BV-BRC): a resource combining PATRIC, IRD and ViPR
Olson RD, Assaf R, Brettin T, Conrad N, Cucinell C, Davis JJ, Dempsey DM, Dickerman A, Dietrich EM, Kenyon RW, Kuscuoglu M, Lefkowitz EJ, Lu J, Machi D, Macken C, Mao C, Niewiadomska A, Nguyen M, Olsen GJ, Overbeek JC, Parrello B, Parrello V, Porter JS, Pusch GD, Shukla M, Singh I, Stewart L, Tan G, Thomas C, VanOeffelen M, Vonstein V, Wallace ZS, Warren AS, Wattam AR, Xia F, Yoo H, Zhang Y, Zmasek CM, Scheuermann RH, Stevens RL
PMID: 36350631
Virus research. 2021-10-15; 304.198545.
Novel isoforms of influenza virus PA-X and PB1-F2 indicated by automatic annotation
Burnham AJ, Miller JR, Singh I, Billings EA, Rush MA, Air GM, Bour S
PMID: 34391827
Nature communications. 2020-06-16; 11.1: 3132.
Author Correction: Microbiome disturbance and resilience dynamics of the upper respiratory tract during influenza A virus infection
Kaul D, Rathnasinghe R, Ferres M, Tan GS, Barrera A, Pickett BE, Methe BA, Das SR, Budnik I, Halpin RA, Wentworth D, Schmolke M, Mena I, Albrecht RA, Singh I, Nelson KE, García-Sastre A, Dupont CL, Medina RA
PMID: 32546784
Nature communications. 2020-05-21; 11.1: 2537.
Microbiome disturbance and resilience dynamics of the upper respiratory tract during influenza A virus infection
Kaul D, Rathnasinghe R, Ferres M, Tan GS, Barrera A, Pickett BE, Methe BA, Das SR, Das S, Budnik I, Halpin RA, Wentworth D, Schmolke M, Mena I, Albrecht RA, Singh I, Nelson KE, García-Sastre A, Dupont CL, Medina RA
PMID: 32439901
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2020-04-21; 64.5:
ARGONAUT II Study of the In Vitro Activity of Plazomicin against Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae
Jacobs MR, Good CE, Hujer AM, Abdelhamed AM, Rhoads DD, Hujer KM, Rudin SD, Domitrovic TN, Connolly LE, Krause KM, Patel R, Arias CA, Kreiswirth BN, Rojas LJ, D'Souza R, White RC, Brinkac LM, Nguyen K, Singh I, Fouts DE, van Duin D, Bonomo RA, Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group
PMID: 32152078
Microbiology resource announcements. 2020-01-16; 9.3:
Annotated Genome Sequence of Aspergillus tanneri NIH1004
Mounaud S, Venepally P, Singh I, Losada L, Seyedmousavi S, Kwon-Chung KJ, Nierman WC
PMID: 31948962
The Journal of infectious diseases. 2019-07-19; 220.4: 666-676.
Ceftazidime-Avibactam in Combination With Fosfomycin: A Novel Therapeutic Strategy Against Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Papp-Wallace KM, Zeiser ET, Becka SA, Park S, Wilson BM, Winkler ML, D'Souza R, Singh I, Sutton G, Fouts DE, Chen L, Kreiswirth BN, Ellis-Grosse EJ, Drusano GL, Perlin DS, Bonomo RA
PMID: 31099835
BMC bioinformatics. 2019-01-07; 20.1: 8.
OMeta: an ontology-based, data-driven metadata tracking system
Singh I, Kuscuoglu M, Harkins DM, Sutton G, Fouts DE, Nelson KE
PMID: 30612540
Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease. 2018-11-01; 92.3: 253-258.
Sequence heterogeneity of the PenA carbapenemase in clinical isolates of Burkholderia multivorans
Becka SA, Zeiser ET, Marshall SH, Gatta JA, Nguyen K, Singh I, Greco C, Sutton GG, Fouts DE, LiPuma JJ, Papp-Wallace KM
PMID: 29983287
BMC bioinformatics. 2014-11-19; 15.1: 357.
NeatFreq: reference-free data reduction and coverage normalization for De Novo sequence assembly
McCorrison JM, Venepally P, Singh I, Fouts DE, Lasken RS, Methé BA
PMID: 25407910
PloS one. 2014-06-17; 9.6: e99979.
Standardized metadata for human pathogen/vector genomic sequences
Dugan VG, Emrich SJ, Giraldo-Calderón GI, Harb OS, Newman RM, Pickett BE, Schriml LM, Stockwell TB, Stoeckert CJ, Sullivan DE, Singh I, Ward DV, Yao A, Zheng J, Barrett T, Birren B, Brinkac L, Bruno VM, Caler E, Chapman S, Collins FH, Cuomo CA, Di Francesco V, Durkin S, Eppinger M, Feldgarden M, Fraser C, Fricke WF, Giovanni M, Henn MR, Hine E, Hotopp JD, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Kissinger JC, Lee EM, Mathur P, Mongodin EF, Murphy CI, Myers G, Neafsey DE, Nelson KE, Nierman WC, Puzak J, Rasko D, Roos DS, Sadzewicz L, Silva JC, Sobral B, Squires RB, Stevens RL, Tallon L, Tettelin H, Wentworth D, White O, Will R, Wortman J, Zhang Y, Scheuermann RH
PMID: 24936976
Nature. 2012-06-13; 486.7402: 215-21.
A framework for human microbiome research
Methé BA, Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Nelson KE, Pop M, Creasy HH, Giglio MG, Huttenhower C, Gevers D, Petrosino JF, Abubucker S, Badger JH, Chinwalla AT, Earl AM, FitzGerald MG, Fulton RS, Hallsworth-Pepin K, Lobos EA, Madupu R, Magrini V, Martin JC, Mitreva M, Muzny DM, Sodergren EJ, Versalovic J, Wollam AM, Worley KC, Wortman JR, Young SK, Zeng Q, Aagaard KM, Abolude OO, Allen-Vercoe E, Alm EJ, Alvarado L, Andersen GL, Anderson S, Appelbaum E, Arachchi HM, Armitage G, Arze CA, Ayvaz T, Baker CC, Begg L, Belachew T, Bhonagiri V, Bihan M, Blaser MJ, Bloom T, Bonazzi VR, Brooks P, Buck GA, Buhay CJ, Busam DA, Campbell JL, Canon SR, Cantarel BL, Chain PS, Chen IM, Chen L, Chhibba S, Chu K, Ciulla DM, Clemente JC, Clifton SW, Conlan S, Crabtree J, Cutting MA, Davidovics NJ, Davis CC, DeSantis TZ, Deal C, Delehaunty KD, Dewhirst FE, Deych E, Ding Y, Dooling DJ, Dugan SP, Dunne W, Durkin A, Edgar RC, Erlich RL, Farmer CN, Farrell RM, Faust K, Feldgarden M, Felix VM, Fisher S, Fodor AA, Forney L, Foster L, Di Francesco V, Friedman J, Friedrich DC, Fronick CC, Fulton LL, Gao H, Garcia N, Giannoukos G, Giblin C, Giovanni MY, Goldberg JM, Goll J, Gonzalez A, Griggs A, Gujja S, Haas BJ, Hamilton HA, Harris EL, Hepburn TA, Herter B, Hoffmann DE, Holder ME, Howarth C, Huang KH, Huse SM, Izard J, Jansson JK, Jiang H, Jordan C, Joshi V, Katancik JA, Keitel WA, Kelley ST, Kells C, Kinder-Haake S, King NB, Knight R, Knights D, Kong HH, Koren O, Koren S, Kota KC, Kovar CL, Kyrpides NC, La Rosa PS, Lee SL, Lemon KP, Lennon N, Lewis CM, Lewis L, Ley RE, Li K, Liolios K, Liu B, Liu Y, Lo CC, Lozupone CA, Lunsford R, Madden T, Mahurkar AA, Mannon PJ, Mardis ER, Markowitz VM, Mavrommatis K, McCorrison JM, McDonald D, McEwen J, McGuire AL, McInnes P, Mehta T, Mihindukulasuriya KA, Miller JR, Minx PJ, Newsham I, Nusbaum C, O'Laughlin M, Orvis J, Pagani I, Palaniappan K, Patel SM, Pearson M, Peterson J, Podar M, Pohl C, Pollard KS, Priest ME, Proctor LM, Qin X, Raes J, Ravel J, Reid JG, Rho M, Rhodes R, Riehle KP, Rivera MC, Rodriguez-Mueller B, Rogers YH, Ross MC, Russ C, Sanka RK, Sankar P, Sathirapongsasuti J, Schloss JA, Schloss PD, Schmidt TM, Scholz M, Schriml L, Schubert AM, Segata N, Segre JA, Shannon WD, Sharp RR, Sharpton TJ, Shenoy N, Sheth NU, Simone GA, Singh I, Smillie CS, Sobel JD, Sommer DD, Spicer P, Sutton GG, Sykes SM, Tabbaa DG, Thiagarajan M, Tomlinson CM, Torralba M, Treangen TJ, Truty RM, Vishnivetskaya TA, Walker J, Wang L, Wang Z, Ward DV, Warren W, Watson MA, Wellington C, Wetterstrand KA, White JR, Wilczek-Boney K, Wu YQ, Wylie KM, Wylie T, Yandava C, Ye L, Ye Y, Yooseph S, Youmans BP, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Zhu Y, Zoloth L, Zucker JD, Birren BW, Gibbs RA, Highlander SK, Weinstock GM, Wilson RK, White O
PMID: 22699610
Nature. 2012-06-13; 486.7402: 207-14.
Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome
Huttenhower C, Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Gevers D, Knight R, Abubucker S, Badger JH, Chinwalla AT, Creasy HH, Earl AM, FitzGerald MG, Fulton RS, Giglio MG, Hallsworth-Pepin K, Lobos EA, Madupu R, Magrini V, Martin JC, Mitreva M, Muzny DM, Sodergren EJ, Versalovic J, Wollam AM, Worley KC, Wortman JR, Young SK, Zeng Q, Aagaard KM, Abolude OO, Allen-Vercoe E, Alm EJ, Alvarado L, Andersen GL, Anderson S, Appelbaum E, Arachchi HM, Armitage G, Arze CA, Ayvaz T, Baker CC, Begg L, Belachew T, Bhonagiri V, Bihan M, Blaser MJ, Bloom T, Bonazzi V, Brooks J, Buck GA, Buhay CJ, Busam DA, Campbell JL, Canon SR, Cantarel BL, Chain PS, Chen IM, Chen L, Chhibba S, Chu K, Ciulla DM, Clemente JC, Clifton SW, Conlan S, Crabtree J, Cutting MA, Davidovics NJ, Davis CC, DeSantis TZ, Deal C, Delehaunty KD, Dewhirst FE, Deych E, Ding Y, Dooling DJ, Dugan SP, Dunne WM, Durkin A, Edgar RC, Erlich RL, Farmer CN, Farrell RM, Faust K, Feldgarden M, Felix VM, Fisher S, Fodor AA, Forney LJ, Foster L, Di Francesco V, Friedman J, Friedrich DC, Fronick CC, Fulton LL, Gao H, Garcia N, Giannoukos G, Giblin C, Giovanni MY, Goldberg JM, Goll J, Gonzalez A, Griggs A, Gujja S, Haake SK, Haas BJ, Hamilton HA, Harris EL, Hepburn TA, Herter B, Hoffmann DE, Holder ME, Howarth C, Huang KH, Huse SM, Izard J, Jansson JK, Jiang H, Jordan C, Joshi V, Katancik JA, Keitel WA, Kelley ST, Kells C, King NB, Knights D, Kong HH, Koren O, Koren S, Kota KC, Kovar CL, Kyrpides NC, La Rosa PS, Lee SL, Lemon KP, Lennon N, Lewis CM, Lewis L, Ley RE, Li K, Liolios K, Liu B, Liu Y, Lo CC, Lozupone CA, Lunsford R, Madden T, Mahurkar AA, Mannon PJ, Mardis ER, Markowitz VM, Mavromatis K, McCorrison JM, McDonald D, McEwen J, McGuire AL, McInnes P, Mehta T, Mihindukulasuriya KA, Miller JR, Minx PJ, Newsham I, Nusbaum C, O'Laughlin M, Orvis J, Pagani I, Palaniappan K, Patel SM, Pearson M, Peterson J, Podar M, Pohl C, Pollard KS, Pop M, Priest ME, Proctor LM, Qin X, Raes J, Ravel J, Reid JG, Rho M, Rhodes R, Riehle KP, Rivera MC, Rodriguez-Mueller B, Rogers YH, Ross MC, Russ C, Sanka RK, Sankar P, Sathirapongsasuti J, Schloss JA, Schloss PD, Schmidt TM, Scholz M, Schriml L, Schubert AM, Segata N, Segre JA, Shannon WD, Sharp RR, Sharpton TJ, Shenoy N, Sheth NU, Simone GA, Singh I, Smillie CS, Sobel JD, Sommer DD, Spicer P, Sutton GG, Sykes SM, Tabbaa DG, Thiagarajan M, Tomlinson CM, Torralba M, Treangen TJ, Truty RM, Vishnivetskaya TA, Walker J, Wang L, Wang Z, Ward DV, Warren W, Watson MA, Wellington C, Wetterstrand KA, White JR, Wilczek-Boney K, Wu Y, Wylie KM, Wylie T, Yandava C, Ye L, Ye Y, Yooseph S, Youmans BP, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Zhu Y, Zoloth L, Zucker JD, Birren BW, Gibbs RA, Highlander SK, Methé BA, Nelson KE, Petrosino JF, Weinstock GM, Wilson RK, White O
PMID: 22699609
Genome biology. 2011-10-17; 12.10: R100.
Comparative genomics of the pathogenic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, its free-living relatives and a host species provide insights into adoption of a parasitic lifestyle and prospects for disease control
Coyne RS, Hannick L, Shanmugam D, Hostetler JB, Brami D, Joardar VS, Johnson J, Radune D, Singh I, Badger JH, Kumar U, Saier M, Wang Y, Cai H, Gu J, Mather MW, Vaidya AB, Wilkes DE, Rajagopalan V, Asai DJ, Pearson CG, Findly RC, Dickerson HW, Wu M, Martens C, Van de Peer Y, Roos DS, Cassidy-Hanley DM, Clark TG
PMID: 22004680

Research Priorities

  • Software architecture, Software design, Large scale high performance compute infrastructure.
  • Cloud (AWS, Google and Azure) Technologies
  • Ontology based metadata tracking and data management.
  • Development of data analysis tools and pipelines for genome analysis.
  • Machine learning, annotation, database development, data mining, web technologies and statistical analysis.


Collection of Java, Perl, and PHP tools supporting high-throughput sample sequencing, metadata, analysis, and reports for viral projects.

JCVI Primer Designer

High throughput PCR primer design software.


Java framework for reading, writing, analyzing and manipulating sequence and assembly data.


Homology-based viral gene finder, predicting both proteins and mature peptides.


Homology-based viral gene finder, predicting both proteins and mature peptides.