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Press Release

Genome Study of Beneficial Microbe May Help Boost Plant Health

In a study expected to greatly benefit crop plants, scientists have deciphered the genome of a root- and seed-dwelling bacterium that protects plants from diseases. The research provides clues to better explain how the helpful microbe, Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5, naturally safeguards roots and seeds from infection by pathogenic microbes.

Press Release

TIGR President Wins ASM's Promega Biotechnology Research Award

TIGR President Claire M. Fraser has been awarded the 2005 Promega Biotechnology Research Award at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology for her "outstanding contributions to the application of biotechnology through fundamental microbiological research and development."

Collaborator Release

The Inner Life of Sea Squirts

Innovative Study Finds Way to "Bio-Synthesize" an Anti-Cancer Compound

Press Release

Scientists Gather for Microbial Genomics Conference

A decade after the dawn of the genomics era, some of the world's top scientists in the field of microbial genomics are gathering in Halifax, Canada, for the International Conference on Microbial Genomes. Speakers will discuss metagenomics, comparative genomics, population processes, genome evolution and environmental genomics.

Press Release

Venter Institute Studies Microbes Living in Air

Air Genome Project to Sample Air Using Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing

Press Release

Sifting Through Fruitfly Sequences, Scientists Discover New Wolbachias

Finding the genomic equivalent of gold nuggets in the rough ore of a much larger set of data, TIGR scientists and collaborators have discovered the genomes of three new types of the microbe Wolbachia in fruitfly sequence data.

Press Release

Venter Institute to Sequence More Than 100 Key Marine Microbes in One Year

Data To Help Scientists Study Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, and Health

Press Release

Genome of Deadly Amoeba Shows Surprising Complexity; Study Reveals Evidence for Lateral Gene Transfer from Bacteria

The genome sequence of the parasitic amoeba Entamoeba histolytica, a leading cause of severe diarrheal disease in developing countries, includes an unexpectedly complex repertoire of sensory genes as well as a variety of bacterial-like genes that contribute to the organism's unique biology. TIGR scientists led the project, which presents the first genome-wide study of an amoeba. About 50 million people a year are infected by the parasite, which causes as many as 100,000 deaths annually.

Press Release

Scientists Decipher Genome of a Fungus That Causes Life-Threatening Infections in Persons With Impaired Immunity

Cryptococcus Study Sheds Light On How Fungi Cause Disease

Press Release

Scientists Reveal Molecular Secrets of the Malaria Parasite

Groundbreaking Research Project May Help Boost Vaccine Development


Dr. Venter Delivers UCSD 2015 School of Medicine Commencement

Full text for the address follows. J. Craig Venter, PhD, UCSD , 2015 School of Medicine Commencement Address Chancellor Khosla, Dean Brenner, Dean Savoia, UC Regent Charlene Zettel, UC Regent Sheldon Engelhorn, invited guests, families and graduates, thank you for inviting me...

Johns Hopkins Announces Inaugural Recipient of Hamilton Smith Award for Innovative Research

JCVI's Hamilton O. Smith, MD has been recognized by Johns Hopkins University with a research award in his honor. The inaugural recipient of the award is Jie Xiao, an associate professor of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr....

Meet Richard Scheuermann, Ph.D., JCVI’s Director of Bioinformatics

Richard H. Scheuermann, Ph.D., who joined JCVI in 2012 from the University of Texas Southwestern as the Director of Bioinformatics, is an accomplished researcher and educator. He and his team apply their deep knowledge in molecular immunology and infectious disease to develop novel...

Zoo in You Exhibit Now Open

Did you know trillions of microbes make their homes inside your body? In fact, these microorganisms outnumber our human cells 10 to 1, “colonize” us right from birth, and are so interwoven into our existence that without each other, none of us would survive! Thanks to new sophisticated...

In Memory of Dr. J. Robert Beyster

The JCVI family mourns the loss of a true friend and generous supporter, Dr. J. Robert Beyster.  Dr. Beyster was a World War II Veteran, a nuclear engineer whose research propelled the Department of Defense's weapons systems and submarines into the future of war fighting, but most notably,...

Science on the Sea Ice Edge

On Sunday, December 14th JCVI scientists Andy Allen, Erin Bertrand, and Jeff Hoffman flew to New Zealand to begin the arduous journey to the sea ice edge of Antarctica. The JCVI team was joined by three members of the University of Southern California, led by David Hutchins, and three members...

Animal Forensics and Molecular Biology Techniques

A one-day high school workshop for New Hampton School’s Project Week Hosted by the J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, Maryland – March 11, 2015 Every March, the New Hampton School, an independent high school in New Hampshire, holds Project Week, an experiential...

2015 Advanced Genomics, Metagenomics, and Bioinformatics Workshop Wrap-up

I was lucky enough to help set up and plan a workshop covering genomics, metagenomics, proteomics and bioinformatics at the University of the West Indies campus in St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago on February 19th and 20th. The workshop was sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and...

International Bioinformatics Workshop

20th International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution & Molecular Epidemiology (VEME) on behalf of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology The International Bioinformatics Workshop on VEME workshop is recognized as one of the best virus bioinformatics...


ZME Science

Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning



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