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Press Release

Scientists Decipher Genome of Bacterium that Helps Clean Up Major Groundwater Pollutants

Cryptococcus Study Sheds Light On How Fungi Cause Disease

Press Release

Genome Comparison of Four Campylobacter Strains Yields New Genetic Markers and Clues to Virulence

In a study that could benefit medical and food-safety research, scientists have used the tools of comparative genomics to find new clues about why some strains of the bacterium Campylobacter - which each year cause more than 400 million cases of gastrointestinal disease - are more virulent than others. The analysis is helping researchers develop more comprehensive detection methods for analyzing human and environmental isolates of the bacteria.

Press Release

Microbe's Genome Reveals Insights Into Ocean Ecology

Unexpected findings about the genetic makeup of a marine microbe have given scientists a new perspective on how bacteria make a living in the ocean - a view that may prove useful in wider studies of marine ecology. The analysis by TIGR and collaborators of the DNA sequence of Silicibacter pomeroyi found that the metabolic strategies of marine bacterioplankton are more diverse and less conventional than previously thought.

Press Release

Innovative Metagenomics Strategy Used To Study Oral Microbes

In an innovative new project, TIGR scientists and collaborators are using a metagenomics strategy to explore the complex mix of microbes in the human mouth. The research could help improve the diagnosis and treatment of periodontitis and other oral diseases.

Press Release

Influenza Genome Sequencing Project Is Launched

TIGR will sequence a large number of human isolates of the influenza virus as part of a landmark influenza genome sequencing project announced Monday by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. The project aims to help scientists better understand how flu viruses evolve as they spread through the population.

Press Release

TIGR and Virginia Tech Sign Memorandum for New Alliance

A new alliance between TIGR and Virginia Tech University is expected to enhance the Institute's computational and experimental capacity as well as enrich the university's basic research in the life sciences. The Memorandum of Understanding, announced Monday, anticipates joint research projects, shared use of related facilities, adjunct faculty appointments, and opportunities for students to participate in research.

Press Release

TIGR's Fraser, Salzberg Honored As AAAS Fellows

TIGR President Claire M. Fraser and Senior Bioinformatics Director Steven L. Salzberg have been named as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in recognition of their contributions to genomics and bioinformatics.

Press Release

Computational Genomics Conference To Attract Leading Scientists

Comparative genomics, sequence assembly, gene expression analysis and genome annotation are among the hot topics to be discussed at the 7th annual Conference on Computational Genomics, which will be held October 21-24 in Reston, VA. The meeting is jointly sponsored by TIGR and The Jackson Laboratory.

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Announces Consolidation of Three Research Organizations Into One New Not-For-Profit Organization — The J. Craig Venter Institute

The Center for Advancement of Genomics (TCAG), Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives (IBEA), and J. Craig Venter Science Foundation Joint Technology Center (JTC) consolidated to form J. Craig Venter Institute

Press Release

Scientists Decipher Genome of Biothreat Pathogen

Highly Regulated Virulence Genes and Genomic Instability Found in the Infectious Horse Pathogen Burkholderia mallei


Scientist Spotlight: Brett Pickett, PhD

The son of a dentist, Brett Pickett grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah focused initially on a career in the family business (his siblings are hygienists and an oral surgeon). Brett believed from an early age that he would follow in his father’s footsteps. He enrolled in Brigham Young...

Summer 2016 Intern Program

Interns in both Rockville, MD and La Jolla, CA participated in our summer 2016 internship program at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI). A total of 19 interns were hired for the summer 2016 program, selected from 578 applicants. Of the 19 interns, six interns were part of the Genomic...

Scientist Spotlight: Anna Edlund, PhD

Although Sweden is synonymous with Ikea, Volvo, meatballs and ABBA, the country has had a significant impact on science and discovery as far back as the 17th Century. Scientist Anna Edlund, PhD who recently joined JCVI is another Swede pushing the boundaries of discovery in her new role as...

Research Impact: Accelerating Efforts to Contain and Prevent the Zika Virus (ZIKV)

The rapidly developing Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak has research groups, government agencies, and industry is all striving to develop a response plan to contain and ultimately prevent ZIKV spread. Currently JCVI is working with both private and public sector funders to sequence and analyze...

South Africa Microbiome Workshops

In April 2016, researchers from JCVI led two microbiome data analysis workshops in South Africa. Both workshops were co-sponsored by the NIAID-funded JCVI Genomic Center for Infectious Disease and the H3Africa Initiative. The first workshop was held from April 21 - 22 at the...

Genomic Workshop for Native American College students

A Genomic Science Workshop was held  last week (May 24-26, 2016) at the J Craig Venter Institute Rockville campus for a group of ten Native American college students.  The students participated in two full-day intensive training activities learning how to study the “microbiome” of...

Ongoing Zika virus work at JCVI

The rapidly developing Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak has research groups, government agencies, and industry all striving to develop a response plan to contain and ultimately prevent ZIKV spread. Currently JCVI is working with both private and public sector funders to sequence and analyze...

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Microbiome

In the early 2000s, JCVI researchers pioneered in the exploration of the human microbiome, the community of microbes that live in and on the human body. Originally while at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR, now part of JCVI) Drs. Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith were awarded a grant from...

Durban Microbiome Workshop

As part of our continued effort to bring genomics to other communities, Alex Voorhies, Derek Harkins and Andres Gomez traveled to Durban, South Africa to lead a series of workshops on microbiome data analyses. The two days of presentations were made to students, postdocs and faculty at the...


The Scientist

Sailing the Seas in Search of Microbes

Projects aimed at collecting big data about the ocean’s tiniest life forms continue to expand our view of the seas.

The Harvard Crimson

What the Public Should Not Know

J. Craig Venter, PhD, argues scientists have “a moral obligation to communicate what they're doing to the public,” and that more studies deserve greater public criticism.


Scientists coax cells with the world’s smallest genomes to reproduce normally

The discovery could sharpen scientists’ understanding of which functions are crucial for normal cells and what the many mysterious genes in these organisms are doing

San Diego Union Tribune

San Diego arts, health, science and youth groups to share $71M from Prebys Foundation

The J. Craig Venter Institute is the recipient of three awards totaling more than $1.5M to study SARS-CoV-2 and heart disease

Scientific American

Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the First Publication of the Human Genome

A new wave of research is needed to make ample use of humanity’s “most wondrous map”

The San Diego Union Tribune

Scientists rush to determine if mutant strain of coronavirus will deepen pandemic

U.S. researchers have been slow to perform the genetic sequencing that will help clarify the situation

The San Diego Union-Tribune

After saving countless lives, Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith retires as his own health falters

He has been a fixture in San Diego science for decades


The 'Wondrous Map': Charting of the Human Genome, 20 Years Later

Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton announced completion of what was arguably one of the greatest advances of the modern era: the first draft sequence of the human genome.



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