Media Center

Press Release

16TH International Genome Sequencing and Analysis Conference Features NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, Biologist E.O. Wilson and other Eminent Scientists

Conference in Washington, DC, highlights cutting-edge work in environmental genomics, human genomic medicine, biological energy production, evolutionary biology, and new sequencing technologies

GSAC also hosts half-day policy session on biodiversity and intellectual property issues

Press Release

Scientists Explore Genome of Methane-breathing Microbe

First Complete DNA Sequence of a Methanotroph Reveals Metabolic Flexibility, Suggests Mechanisms for Increasing Its Usefulness For Biotechnology

Press Release

TIGR Scientists Explore Microbes on Shipwrecks and Coral

Researchers embarked on two separate expeditions this week to explore microbial communities on deep-sea corals in the Gulf of Alaska and on shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico.

Press Release

Bioinformatics Resource Center at TIGR to Focus on Biothreat Pathogens

TIGR has signed a five-year, $21.1 million contract with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to establish and maintain a new national Bioinformatics Resource Center for the study of pathogens that are considered biothreat agents or are associated with emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases.

Press Release

Anthrax Toxin Genes Found in Another Microbial Species

For the first time, researchers have found anthrax toxin genes in a naturally occurring microbe other than Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes anthrax. The microbe that contains those anthrax genes is a strain of Bacillus cereus isolated from a patient with a medical condition similar to inhalation anthrax.

Press Release

Decoding a Sulfate-Breathing Bug

Paving the way for better methods to protect pipelines and remediate metallic pollutants, TIGR scientists and collaborators have deciphered the genome of a sulfate-breathing bacterium, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, which can damage oil and natural gas pipelines and corrode oilfield equipment.

Press Release

Scientists Decipher the Rat Genome

An international consortium of scientists that includes TIGR has completed a high-quality draft sequence of the rat genome. Comparing the rat to the human and mouse genomes, the Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium reported that nearly all human genes known to be associated with diseases have counterparts in the rat.

Press Release

A New Spin on Spirochetes

Major Differences Found Between the Genomes of Oral Pathogen Treponema denticola and Related Spiral-Shaped Bacteria that Cause Syphilis and Lyme Disease

Press Release

"Male-Targeting" Bacterium's Genome is Deciphered

Versatile Wolbachia has more mobile DNA than any other intracellular bacterium; Study may help in developing new treatments for diseases


Advance Access JCVI Metagenomics Reports Application Note

A significant JCVI informatics development is JCVI Metagenomics Reports, an open source Web 2.0 application designed to help scientists analyze and compare annotated metagenomics data sets. Users can download the application to upload and analyze their own metagenomics datasets. METAREP...

Naples Harbor Sampling

Thursday July 15th After getting some sleep at anchorage in Ischia island we sailed for a few hours to the main harbor in Naples.  Over the years the Sorcerer II Expedition has collected samples in major ports around the world (Sydney, Halifax, Boston,  Panama, Cape Town, just to...

Italian Sampling Continues-Unique Animal in Italian Waters!

Wednesday July 14th Monday July 12th we woke up early and left the anchorage in Capraia Island. We arrived at Ischia island at 5:00 a.m. on Wednesday the 14th. In those 48 hours we collected 6 samples. Two samples were collected in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, two samples were collected over...

Mediterranean Sampling Season Starts

Sunday July 11th 2010 On Thursday July 8th Sorcerer II set sail from Valencia Spain to start the Mediterranean season. Permits vary from country to country, Italy gave us 10 days to collect our samples, so we had to time our departure from Spain to fit our 10 day sampling window in Italy. As...

The Sorcerer II Sampling Process

July 6th In the blog about the media event I posted a few days back I put a link to the JCVI media page. On this page you can learn about our research goals, funders and past expeditions (more links on the right side of the page). Before we set out for this sampling season I wanted to...

Valencia, The Home Of Sorcerer II And Crew Since September 2009

July 5th Valencia is located about 140 miles (365 kilometers) from Barcelona. Valencia has a rich history and a distinct culture from other Spanish cities. I have only spent a few months here, but I wanted to share some of the highlights with you all before we set sail and start our...

High-performance comparative metagenomics

Are your carrying out large scale metagenomics analyses to identify differences among multiple sample sites? Are you looking for suitable analysis  tools? If you have not yet found the right analysis tool, you may be interested in  the latest beta version of JCVI...

Media Day Circus On Sorcerer II

June 23nd On Monday June 21st we announced the official start of the Mediterranean leg of the Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition. Dr. Venter took time from his busy schedule to fly into Valencia and attend the event as well as representatives from The Life Technology Foundation....

Genomics of the Indoor Air Environment

Most of our life is spent in indoors, well-buffered from the constant changes in temperature, humidity, wind and light which shape life outside our homes and offices. It seems intuitive that the types of microorganisms which inhabit our indoor environment must be different from those on the...


ZME Science

Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning



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