Media Center

Press Release

Scientists Decipher Genome of Bacterium that Helps Clean Up Major Groundwater Pollutants

Cryptococcus Study Sheds Light On How Fungi Cause Disease

Press Release

Genome Comparison of Four Campylobacter Strains Yields New Genetic Markers and Clues to Virulence

In a study that could benefit medical and food-safety research, scientists have used the tools of comparative genomics to find new clues about why some strains of the bacterium Campylobacter - which each year cause more than 400 million cases of gastrointestinal disease - are more virulent than others. The analysis is helping researchers develop more comprehensive detection methods for analyzing human and environmental isolates of the bacteria.

Press Release

Microbe's Genome Reveals Insights Into Ocean Ecology

Unexpected findings about the genetic makeup of a marine microbe have given scientists a new perspective on how bacteria make a living in the ocean - a view that may prove useful in wider studies of marine ecology. The analysis by TIGR and collaborators of the DNA sequence of Silicibacter pomeroyi found that the metabolic strategies of marine bacterioplankton are more diverse and less conventional than previously thought.

Press Release

Innovative Metagenomics Strategy Used To Study Oral Microbes

In an innovative new project, TIGR scientists and collaborators are using a metagenomics strategy to explore the complex mix of microbes in the human mouth. The research could help improve the diagnosis and treatment of periodontitis and other oral diseases.

Press Release

Influenza Genome Sequencing Project Is Launched

TIGR will sequence a large number of human isolates of the influenza virus as part of a landmark influenza genome sequencing project announced Monday by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. The project aims to help scientists better understand how flu viruses evolve as they spread through the population.

Press Release

TIGR and Virginia Tech Sign Memorandum for New Alliance

A new alliance between TIGR and Virginia Tech University is expected to enhance the Institute's computational and experimental capacity as well as enrich the university's basic research in the life sciences. The Memorandum of Understanding, announced Monday, anticipates joint research projects, shared use of related facilities, adjunct faculty appointments, and opportunities for students to participate in research.

Press Release

TIGR's Fraser, Salzberg Honored As AAAS Fellows

TIGR President Claire M. Fraser and Senior Bioinformatics Director Steven L. Salzberg have been named as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in recognition of their contributions to genomics and bioinformatics.

Press Release

Computational Genomics Conference To Attract Leading Scientists

Comparative genomics, sequence assembly, gene expression analysis and genome annotation are among the hot topics to be discussed at the 7th annual Conference on Computational Genomics, which will be held October 21-24 in Reston, VA. The meeting is jointly sponsored by TIGR and The Jackson Laboratory.

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Announces Consolidation of Three Research Organizations Into One New Not-For-Profit Organization — The J. Craig Venter Institute

The Center for Advancement of Genomics (TCAG), Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives (IBEA), and J. Craig Venter Science Foundation Joint Technology Center (JTC) consolidated to form J. Craig Venter Institute

Press Release

Scientists Decipher Genome of Biothreat Pathogen

Highly Regulated Virulence Genes and Genomic Instability Found in the Infectious Horse Pathogen Burkholderia mallei


2011 Internship Program Updated

The 2011 JCVI Internship Program is open to accept spring and summer applications. The application process includes the submission of a resume, essay and transcripts as one PDF file via our online application site. We no longer require letters of recommendation. Information about the...

Starting the Atlantic Crossing

Wednesday November 17th 2010 On November 10th Sorcerer II set sail from Valencia Spain to start the sail back to America.  The first leg was a 3 day sail down the Spanish coast to Gibraltar.  Coastline to Gibraltar John showing the delivery crew around Sorcerer II...

Scientist Spotlight: Meet Vanessa Hayes

Geneticist Vanessa Hayes does not think small nor move slowly—from completing her post doc in six months (the US National average is 3 to 7 years) to completing the first South African Genome Project in 2010 with her goal set on defining the extent of human diversity in all populations, she...

Lucene Revolution Conference 2010

I arrived late in Boston after my plane from Washington DC was delayed. On the agenda - the next four days the Lucene Revolution conference and a Solr application development workshop organized by Lucid Imagination. The conference promised a unique venue (the first of its kind in the US) to...

French Road Sampling Trip Saves Sorcerer II From More Rough Weather!

September 28th 2010 With one last sample to collect and the weather still rough in the Mediterranean, we made the decision to make the Banyuls sample a road sampling trip.  So Jeremy and I loaded up a rental car with carboys and headed out at 5 am to drive the 125 miles (200km) to...

A Week Long Beat Down At Sea, All In The Name Of Science!

September 27th 2010 We just arrived in Barcelona after 7 very rough days at sea! Lots and lots of rolling around, very little sleep, high seas and strong winds! We have seen worse weather in the past, but normally it only last a day or two…this lasted 7 days straight. The constant beating...

Go To Greece!

September 20th 2010 We arrived in Crete today, bringing our Greek sampling leg to an end. We were very lucky to be able to sail in Greek waters, this place is truly beautiful. Not only did we get to see the natural beauty of Greece, but our hosts introduced us to the rich culture and...

USA Science & Engineering Festival

What a great weekend! Thousands of people attended the USA Science and Engineering Festival. There were exhibits and performances for everyone, every age and every interest! The DiscoverGenomics! Mobile Lab was there - Pennsylvania Avenue with several other mobile labs from across...

Second Leg of Greek Sampling

September 19th 2010 After we picked up our samples in Maliakos Gulf and changed Greek collaborators we sailed overnight to Psara Island to collect sample #30 on the sample map. Weather became an issue as we tried to collect samples site #26. The winds were blowing over 30 knots and seas were...


Issues in Science and Tech

Gene Drives: New and Improved

As the science advances, policy-makers and regulators need to develop responses that reflect the latest developments and the diversity of approaches and applications.

The San Diego Union-Tribune

Pink shoes and a lab jacket: Finding your way as a female scientist

Women in science tell high school girls they, too, can change the world

Asia Times

How AI can help us decode immunity

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the keys to unraveling how the human immune system prevents and controls disease

Nature News and Views

Construction of an Escherichia coli genome with fewer codons sets records

The biggest synthetic genome so far has been made, with a smaller set of amino-acid-encoding codons than usual — raising the prospect of encoding proteins that contain unnatural amino-acid residues.

UC San Diego News Center

Public Health is the Next Big Thing at UC San Diego

MIT Technology Review

Researchers have swapped the genome of gut germ E. coli for an artificial one

By creating a new genome, scientists could create organisms tailored to produce desirable compounds



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