
Open forum infectious diseases. 2023-06-05; 10.6: ofad302.
Inundative, Dry-Powder, Inhaled Measles Vaccination to Prevent Deaths of Young Children in War-torn Regions
Sievers BL, Sievers RE, Sievers EL
PMID: 37383252
Microbiome. 2023-06-05; 11.1: 127.
Succession and determinants of the early life nasopharyngeal microbiota in a South African birth cohort
Claassen-Weitz S, Gardner-Lubbe S, Xia Y, Mwaikono KS, Mounaud SH, Nierman WC, Workman L, Zar HJ, Nicol MP
PMID: 37271810
Current clinical microbiology reports. 2023-06-01; 10.2: 17-28.
Genetic Diversity of Human Fungal Pathogens
Freese J, Beyhan S
PMID: 37388463
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.). 2023-06-01; 77.6: 2073-2083.
Any alcohol use in NAFLD patients is associated with significant changes to the intestinal virome
Hsu CL, Lang S, Demir M, Fouts DE, Stärkel P, Schnabl B
PMID: 36631002
Cell reports. 2023-05-30; 42.5: 112494.
Competition between skin antimicrobial peptides and commensal bacteria in type 2 inflammation enables survival of S. aureus
Nakatsuji T, Brinton SL, Cavagnero KJ, O'Neill AM, Chen Y, Dokoshi T, Butcher AM, Osuoji OC, Shafiq F, Espinoza JL, Dupont CL, Hata TR, Gallo RL
PMID: 37167061
Nature communications. 2023-05-25; 14.1: 3026.
A neonatal mouse model characterizes transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 variants and reveals a role for ORF8
Rodriguez-Rodriguez BA, Ciabattoni GO, Duerr R, Valero-Jimenez AM, Yeung ST, Crosse KM, Schinlever AR, Bernard-Raichon L, Rodriguez Galvan J, McGrath ME, Vashee S, Xue Y, Loomis CA, Khanna KM, Cadwell K, Desvignes L, Frieman MB, Ortigoza MB, Dittmann M
PMID: 37230979
Vaccine. 2023-05-11; 41.20: 3171-3177.
Monkeypox (Mpox) requires continued surveillance, vaccines, therapeutics and mitigating strategies
Roper RL, Garzino-Demo A, Del Rio C, Bréchot C, Gallo R, Hall W, Esparza J, Reitz M, Schinazi RF, Parrington M, Tartaglia J, Koopmans M, Osorio J, Nitsche A, Huan TB, LeDuc J, Gessain A, Weaver S, Mahalingam S, Abimiku A, Vahlne A, Segales J, Wang L, Isaacs SN, Osterhaus A, Scheuermann RH, McFadden G
PMID: 37088603
Frontiers in genetics. 2023-05-09; 14.1172048.
Influenza A viruses in gulls in landfills and freshwater habitats in Minnesota, United States
Rasmussen EA, Czaja A, Cuthbert FJ, Tan GS, Lemey P, Nelson MI, Culhane MR
PMID: 37229191
Emerging infectious diseases. 2023-05-01; 29.5:
US National Institutes of Health Prioritization of SARS-CoV-2 Variants
Turner S, Alisoltani A, Bratt D, Cohen-Lavi L, Dearlove BL, Drosten C, Fischer WM, Fouchier RAM, Gonzalez-Reiche AS, Jaroszewski L, Khalil Z, LeGresley E, Johnson M, Jones TC, Mühlemann B, O'Connor D, Sedova M, Shukla M, Theiler J, Wallace ZS, Yoon H, Zhang Y, van Bakel H, DeGrace MM, Ghedin E, Godzik A, Hertz T, Korber B, Lemieux J, Niewiadomska AM, Post DJ, Rolland M, Scheuermann R, Smith DJ
PMID: 37054986
