HMM Summary Page: TIGR02552

Functiontype III secretion low calcium response chaperone LcrH/SycD
Trusted Cutoff104.80
Domain Trusted Cutoff104.80
Noise Cutoff89.40
Domain Noise Cutoff89.40
Isology Typeequivalog
HMM Length136
AuthorSelengut J
Entry DateApr 19 2005 10:37AM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentGenes in this family are found in type III secretion operons. LcrH, from Yersinia is believed to have a regulatory function in the low-calcium response of the secretion system [1,2]. The same protein is also known as SycD (SYC = Specific Yop Chaperone) for its chaperone role [3]. In Pseudomonas, where the homolog is known as PcrH, the chaperone role has been demonstrated and the regulatory role appears to be absent [4]. ScyD/LcrH contains three central tetratricopeptide-like repeats that are predicted to fold into an all-alpha-helical array [5].
ReferencesRN [1] RM PMID: 1705541 RT Analysis of the V antigen lcrGVH-yopBD operon of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis: evidence for a regulatory role of LcrH and LcrV. RA Bergman T, Hakansson S, Forsberg A, Norlander L, Macellaro A, Backman A, Bolin I, Wolf-Watz H. RL J Bacteriol. 1991 Mar;173(5):1607-16. RN [2] RM PMID: 11844757 RT YopD and LcrH regulate expression of Yersinia enterocolitica YopQ by a posttranscriptional mechanism and bind to yopQ RNA. RA Anderson DM, Ramamurthi KS, Tam C, Schneewind O. RL J Bacteriol. 2002 Mar;184(5):1287-95. RN [3] RM PMID: 9987117 RT Role of SycD, the chaperone of the Yersinia Yop translocators YopB and YopD. RA Neyt C, Cornelis GR. RL Mol Microbiol. 1999 Jan;31(1):143-56. RN [4] RM PMID: 14673772 RT PcrH of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is essential for secretion and assembly of the type III translocon. RA Broms JE, Forslund AL, Forsberg A, Francis MS. RL J Infect Dis. 2003 Dec 15;188(12):1909-21. Epub 2003 Dec 3. RN [5] RM PMID: 12799000 RT Tetratricopeptide-like repeats in type-III-secretion chaperones and regulators. RA Pallen MJ, Francis MS, Futterer K. RL FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2003 Jun 6;223(1):53-60.
Genome PropertyGenProp0052: type III secretion (HMM)